Leaving out the href attribute for links in HTML5

05.04.2013 by Ilia Raiskin
HTML Quick

You probably know them, these <a> links that should not open another web-page. What we did until today is just adding a rhombus # in the href-attribute. The href attribute was required before HTML5. Usually these links were used for JavaScript actions, or just as placeholders.

In HTML5 there is a simpler solution for these links: Links without a href-attribute are interpreted as placeholder-links. This makes our work a little easier.

Note that links without href don't look like clickable links anymore. However, you can simulate this with CSS. If you want a link without a href attribute to look like a normal link, you can use this short code in CSS:

About the author

Ilia Raiskin

Ilia Raiskin is a web designer, web developer, blogger and founder of Toolinfy.com.
